Parish history

Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur Parish / Scoudouc

Established in 1805
First church in 1847
First pastor in 1907

The first eleven families to settle in the parish of Scoudouc, in 1805, were originally from Minoudie (Menoudie) and Memramcook.
In 1847, the first church was built in Scoudouc by 24 families. This mission had previously been served by priests from Memramcook and later by some from Saint-Anselme.
A new church was completed in 1910, three years after the first priest arrived in 1907. This church was later renovated to its present  beautiful form.
The parish celebrated the 100th anniversary of the new church’s construction as well as the bicentennial of the village of Scoudouc in 2009.
These activities shed light on past accomplishments, but more importantly, showed the positive economic future of Scoudouc after a long period of setbacks dating back to the Second World War, as it lost
services, institutions and businesses.
The tide has finally turned for this community with development in the Shediac area as well as important economic expansion in both Dieppe and Moncton.
The recent upturns augur well for the continued presence and wellbeing of the Christian community of Scoudouc.